In you’re not in the US, sending and receiving payment from an affiliate marketing service operating in the US can be a headache. PayPal is the first choice of many freelancers, bloggers, etc. But in the last 2 to 3 years, Payoneer has emerged as a great alternative to PayPal.

Payoneer is a reliable service and many leading marketing services support it. So far, I’ve received about $200 without any hassles. I’m using this payment service to receive commissions from Amazon Associates US, ThemeForest, and ShareASale affiliate programs.

How to use the Paypal Alternative?

I’ve linked my ThemeForest and ShareASale account with Payoneer. The two services provide an option for the same. Hence, you don’t have to enter any details nor you have to verify your bank account. Amazon Associates Program doesn’t permit users to link their affiliate account with Payoneer yet. But you can successfully receive payments from the eCommerce giant by providing a US bank account number provided by Payoneer.

To get the a/c number, signup for Payoneer and submit your proof of identity. Then, you must wait for a day for two to get your account approved.

Once the staff member verifies your ID and approves your account, you can send or receive payments with Payoneer. To see the bank account number, sign in to your account and click on the Global Payments option. Now, select the Bank location where the affiliate program can send payment without charging transfer fees.


Once you do so, note down the bank name, account number, IBAN, BIC, Account Type, Routing number, etc. Now, open your affiliate account and open the payment settings page.

Select direct transfer option and enter the bank details.

Some affiliate firms charge users 10 to 12 USD for transferring money to your bank account via NEFT.

Payoneer charges only $3 for receiving the money. That’s it! Once the bank deposits money to your bank a/c, all you have to do is wait for the “Money Transferred” message from Payoneer.

The service doesn’t have an option to transfer money manually. It allows users to create payment request. It enables you to manage funding sources. You can see the transaction history with Payoneer.

Signup for Payoneer

Conclusion: Payoneer is an excellent alternative to other payment services. It is fast and reliable. The service charges a small transfer fee of $3 for every transaction.