Fix Remove Query Strings from Static Resources warning

Yesterday, I was checking the performance of one of my sites with GTmetrix and Pingdom tools. Although my site takes about 1 second to open in any browser, the tools were reporting remove query strings from static resources warning. Anything that follows after the question mark i.e “?” is called a query string. You’ll find URLs with query strings on dynamic sites. If the site serves static content, it doesn’t make sense to use them. The website I’m talking about is a small blog. Hence, I decided to get rid of the warning. ...

May 13, 2017 · 2 min · 418 words · prhost78

Top 5 Best CDN 2018: Fastest content delivery networks

CDN aka content delivery networks improves the performance of your site. They reduce the latency by serving JavaScript and CSS files from the location closest to the visitor. A CDN provider may have several data centers spread across the world. When you signup for the CDN service, the service will cache static resources of your site on a server nearby the location you specify. You’ll have to install a CDN plugin so as to change the website resource URL. ...

May 6, 2017 · 5 min · 870 words · prhost78

Top 7 Best WordPress SEO plugins (2018)

If you’re running a website, you must optimize it for search engines to succeed as a blogger, business owner etc. Programmers can have nightmares while making their site or client’s website SEO friendly. If you’re using a content management system, this task is a piece of cake, thanks to the best SEO plugins. If you’re new to WordPress CMS or if you’re site is not performing well in search engines, you should use the following WordPress SEO plugins. ...

April 14, 2017 · 5 min · 1009 words · prhost78

Elegant Themes review 2018: Great themes for WordPress

A theme is responsible for the success of a blogger. Many bloggers end up buying a theme which looks attractive but scores 0 when it comes to SEO. Despite publishing high-quality content on their sites, these bloggers don’t enjoy success and they quit blogging As a newbie blogger, I had committed a huge mistake of trusting a third class theme developer. The developer rolled out an update which created the dreaded duplicate title, meta description problem on my site. ...

March 25, 2017 · 6 min · 1103 words · prhost78

How to show or hide widget in WordPress pages or posts?

Sometimes, you may want to display widgets only on certain pages of a site. If you’ve knowledge of PHP, you can show/hide widgets with just 2 lines of codes. The 1st line will have the PHP if else condition to detect the current page or term. If the condition you’ve specified in the if statement is true, then the code inside the if block must be executed. The block must have the shortcode or code to display the required widget. It is the 2nd line of our code. ...

February 22, 2017 · 2 min · 388 words · prhost78

The right way to update a WordPress theme or plugin

Themes and plugins are the most important parts of a WordPress website. If the code of the theme is not SEO friendly, your site will not perform well in search engines. Likewise, if the plugin has an erroneous code, it can lead to poor user experience. In worst cases, the problematic theme or plugin may cause high server resource utilization. The search bots will begin to ignore your site. If you don’t fix the problem ASAP, the site’s rankings will tank. ...

December 22, 2016 · 3 min · 455 words · prhost78

Best WordPress Review Plugins (2018)

Most people use the internet to read reviews of products before they buy them. You may have seen top search engines such as Google or Bing showing star ratings in the search results of its pages. Google doesn’t show the ratings for all websites. It shows ratings only for the portals having schema markups and in-depth content. Writing the content is up to the user, but one can easily add schema codes to their site by referring the official guidelines. Modern content management systems provide extensions to add review boxes to their site and add the Schema markup code for the same. ...

November 11, 2016 · 4 min · 751 words · prhost78

Must have WordPress Plugins for 2018

WordPress, being a versatile plugin allows you to launch all types of sites. It allows users to install plugins to make website search engine friendly, faster, highly rewarding, etc. WordPress has millions of users. The WordPress repository hosts over 100k plugins of all types. An experienced blogger using WP platform may not difficulty in choosing the right plugin. But the newbie users may get confused. ...

November 7, 2016 · 3 min · 532 words · prhost78

Best WP AMP plugin : Accelerated Mobile Pages for WordPress

People spend more time on mobile phones than computers. Google Engineers realized this a few years back and they made several changes to core Algorithm. They introduced a mobile-friendly testing tool for webmasters and launched page layout algorithm which affects rankings of ad-heavy desktop/mobile sites. In 2016, Google launched a new concept called Accelerated Mobile Pages. After testing AMP on a bunch of top news website, Google now allows all websites to use AMP. ...

October 18, 2016 · 2 min · 417 words · prhost78

How to compress or minify HTML of a WordPress site?

Minification is a process of stripping whitespaces and comments of a page. When you minify a web page, the visitors to your website will experience faster browsing experience on their desktop or mobile device. The page speed insights tool will not request you to minify HTML, JS, or CSS code. When you minify HTML, CSS or JS code on your website, the server will send a small page to the client. The file size is yet another factor in determining the page speed of a website. The browser on the client device will download a smaller file faster. ...

August 5, 2016 · 2 min · 325 words · prhost78