Aptana acquired by Appcelerator

Aptana, the company behind the popular programming Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Aptana Studio, announced today that they have been acquired by Appcelerator. Aptana has been the choice for many web development professionals for quite some time. ...

January 19, 2011 · 2 min · 364 words · icarnaghan

Social News Website for Financial Articles and Tips at Tip'd

You don’t find many great social news websites these days. You know, the kind that let you vote on stories and the most popular hit the front page? Digg and Reddit are still pretty good, and there are a few nice Pligg sites out there but overall not too many. ...

April 21, 2010 · 2 min · 273 words · Jake

The Newest Trending Social News Sharing Community Humsurfer

It’s difficult these days to track down the best social news sharing communities. There are the classics such as Digg and Reddit, and also smaller niche communities containing topics like design and programming. ...

March 1, 2010 · 3 min · 514 words · Jake

CypherBox.net - Great Pligg-based PR4 Social Bookmarking Site

I just want to say, I absolutely love Pligg. It’s an amazing PHP script, free to download which allows you to set up your own social news site similar to Digg. Many micro-niche sites have popped up running on Pligg’s backend, and CypherBox is my latest find. ...

February 11, 2010 · 3 min · 519 words · Jake

Rumors of Yahoo! Taking Down MyBlogLog could be False

Starting around December I had seen a lot of blogs posting about Yahoo! considering closing the doors on MyBlogLog. I was sad to hear this news, as I have been a huge fan of MyBlogLog since it first launched in 2005. It was a simple community of bloggers with a simple goal of uniting the best writers and bloggers on the web. ...

February 10, 2010 · 3 min · 513 words · Jake

Why Digg.com is heading for a Major Pitfall

I remember a time when Digg used to roam wild in the Social News kingdom. It was the force to be reckoned with when it came to internet marketing - everybody needed to hit the front page to gain some traffic to their site. I’m sure tons of blogs have built their popularity off of Digg’s massive traffic influx, but there are many signs pointing towards this site closing the lid. ...

February 8, 2010 · 3 min · 580 words · Jake

Interview with Yahoo! Answers Q&A Competitor Blurtit

Yahoo! Answers has to be the most well-known and popular Question & Community on the web. However there is always room for improvement on apps like these, and Blurtit takes the cake. Building more of a community around the idea of the “Ask Any Question” niche, Blurtit allows users to connect like never before, searching for the most popular questions and sharing knowledge between everyone. ...

February 4, 2010 · 5 min · 942 words · Jake

Plurk Rivals Twitter as the Next Popular Microblogging Platform

Twitter - you either love it or hate it. The application has exploded onto the web, where not only everybody seems to need one, but even larger corporations have set up Twitter accounts. Tweeting is the next big thing! tons of people are getting into this new trend, while naysayers stand behind and wave their fingers in disgust. ...

January 17, 2010 · 4 min · 665 words · Jake

Interview with New Twitter app Taweet: The Future of Twitter

As Twitter has blown through other social media sites, it’s become one of the most trafficked websites of the present day. Everybody and their grandma is using Twitter, and there’s no shortage of helpful applications and Twitter resources for them all! Ranging from Twitter wallpaper creators to free icons or avatars, the internet hosts them all. ...

January 6, 2010 · 5 min · 897 words · Jake

Organize your Schedule Online with Plan.fm

So I found another cool app the other day. plan.fm, simple name with a simple purpose of uniting all of your plans in one place. You can draw in feeds from social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter and merge your plans all into one calendar. ...

January 5, 2010 · 2 min · 371 words · Jake