Top 8 Best Business Listing Sites (2018)

The number of internet users has grown from 100 to 3+ billion. Although a lot of firms have benefited from the internet revolution, many businesses have become bankrupt. eCommerce platforms have destroyed the business of 1000s of brick and mortar stores. The only way to survive the wrath of these sites is to make people aware of your shop/service and the products you sell. Listing a business online is the best way to promote it. Although there are 100s of sites where you can list your office, shop, or service, not all sites are trustworthy or complete. Businesses won’t benefit from such sites. Hence, they should not be listed on it. ...

July 8, 2018 · 4 min · 817 words · prhost78

GoDaddy review: A web hosting and domain registration company

Godaddy is one of the top domain registrars and hosting companies of the world. It has over 500K customers. I’m one of the customers of Godaddy. I’ve been using its email hosting and domain registration service for 5 years. Here’s my review of the company. List of GoDaddy services that I use Domain names Premium email address Domain names Godaddy website is user-friendly. It doesn’t matter whether you’re an experienced or a novice user, registering a new DN is easy with GD. The home page of GoDaddy’s official website features a text box through which you can find domain names. ...

May 28, 2018 · 4 min · 662 words · prhost78

Things you should do after Installing WordPress

WordPress is the most powerful content management system. According to analytics tools, WP powers 30% of websites running on the internet. WP is a popular and user-friendly CMS. It is written in PHP and uses MySQL to save data. Unlike scripting languages such as JAVA EE, ASP, PHP is easy to learn. Shared hosting companies offer a 1-click WP installer tool. If you use this tool, you can launch a new website within few minutes. Configuring DNS server and the web server isn’t enough. To make sure that your new website is found by search engines and internet users, you must do the below things: ...

February 12, 2018 · 3 min · 567 words · prhost78

How to exclude pages or posts from sitemap in WordPress?

A blogger or webmaster may add the robots meta noindex or nofollow tag to irrelevant or thin pages or posts. When you add the attribute to pages, search engines will remove the pages from their index. If you don’t remove the no-indexed posts from the sitemap, search engines might crawl the posts even though they’re not relevant to your site. If you want Googlebot or Bingbot to crawl only the important pages on your site, follow the below two steps. ...

December 2, 2017 · 2 min · 383 words · prhost78

Google AMP pros and cons: Should you implement AMP on your website?

After Googleweblight, AMP aka Accelerated Mobile Pages is the new initiative from the search engine giant Google to make the web fast. As of today, over 900K sites are powered by AMP. I’ve used AMP on my site for a month. Below, I’ve shared the Pros and Cons of Google AMP. Pros of Google AMP (Advantages) Easy to implement Google has published a detailed documentation which covers the HTML markup/CSS code you should use while implementing AMP. It also covers tutorials, news, case studies and demos of AMP. If you’re a developer, go through the documentation before writing the code of your website. ...

November 22, 2017 · 4 min · 642 words · prhost78

How to increase traffic to blog for free?

Starting a new blog is easy but making it popular is difficult. People find blogging as one of the easiest ways to make money online. Well, making money through a blog is not a piece of cake. Only websites getting decent traffic generate revenue for their owners. A successful blogger is one who earns enough money only to feed his family and pay internet and web hosting bills. Frankly speaking, the website’s fate depends on the traffic. If a site is getting traffic, it will make money for the owner. If it hardly gets visitors, it is of no use to the owner. ...

October 24, 2017 · 5 min · 941 words · prhost78

Top 5 Best CDN 2018: Fastest content delivery networks

CDN aka content delivery networks improves the performance of your site. They reduce the latency by serving JavaScript and CSS files from the location closest to the visitor. A CDN provider may have several data centers spread across the world. When you signup for the CDN service, the service will cache static resources of your site on a server nearby the location you specify. You’ll have to install a CDN plugin so as to change the website resource URL. ...

May 6, 2017 · 5 min · 870 words · prhost78

Top 7 Best WordPress SEO plugins (2018)

If you’re running a website, you must optimize it for search engines to succeed as a blogger, business owner etc. Programmers can have nightmares while making their site or client’s website SEO friendly. If you’re using a content management system, this task is a piece of cake, thanks to the best SEO plugins. If you’re new to WordPress CMS or if you’re site is not performing well in search engines, you should use the following WordPress SEO plugins. ...

April 14, 2017 · 5 min · 1009 words · prhost78

Blogging vs YouTube (Vlogging): Which is better?

Blogging and Vlogging are two sides of the same coin. Many people employ these two methods to earn money online. In blogging, you start a new website and publish reviews and details of your favorite products, tips, etc. In Vlogging, you ask someone to record your video or if you’re publishing a video tutorial, you use a screen recorder tool to capture the desktop. Below, I have shared a detailed comparison of Blogging and Vlogging. If you’re looking forward to pursuing a career in Vlogging or Blogging, my comparison will clear your doubts. ...

April 8, 2017 · 3 min · 547 words · prhost78

How to move or renew LetsEncrypt SSL certificate manually?

As mentioned in my earlier blog post, I am using LetsEncrypt free SSL certificate on one of my sites. The certificate was due to expire in few weeks. The CertBot dispatched an alert message for the same on my official email address. As I’m using SSL for the first time and having several doubts in mind, I decided to renew LetsEncrypt certificate immediately. I fired the following command in the Linux terminal (10 days prior the certificate’s expiry date) and restarted Nginx. ...

April 3, 2017 · 2 min · 371 words · prhost78