MySpace More Layoffs and Reflecting on What Went Wrong

Last July, Inside the Webb reported on new changes coming to MySpace in an effort to streamline the overall design of the social networking giant. As reported at the time, the changes were long overdue, however overhauling such a large organization was no easy task. ...

January 12, 2011 · 3 min · 442 words · icarnaghan

Social Discussion Boards and Dynamic Chatrooms with Donut Chat

A new chatroom client has been released on the market, and it runs so smooth I can’t believe it’s not being used elsewhere. Donut Chat is my latest find in the ways of community and boards, and the software runs perfectly. I’m a huge fan of chat rooms, they’re useful as support forums, sharing ideas with friends and business partners… really anything. ...

April 23, 2010 · 2 min · 364 words · Jake - New and Innovative Social News/Discussion Community

I love social media, I’ll get that off my chest right now. There are so many new and innovative websites popping up each and every day which take the idea of social networking and spin it around with some new features and a new look, then present it to you in a clean and elegant way. Well is certainly one of those sites, and the idea is spreading fast. ...

April 11, 2010 · 2 min · 418 words · Jake

How Google Buzz is Gaining Many Early Followers

Since Google Buzz launched a few months ago, it has had some very impressive early adopters. Mashable and TechCrunch have been the first of many larger blogs to jump on board, with many smaller blogs following suit. ...

March 18, 2010 · 3 min · 444 words · Jake

How Profitable are Niche Video Game Forums and Communities?

A big part of the web 2.0 boom is communication. People are communicating now more than ever, and it’s not a surprise. With the vast size of apps these days, along with almost every website running some type of forum or blog, users are more connected than ever! Many marketers can see ways to utilizing this new “social networking fever” as a turning point to make some serious money online. ...

February 13, 2010 · 4 min · 679 words · Jake

Interview with Virtual Online Gaming Community FactPile

There are so many great online gaming communities. Video games have taken a huge rise in popularity over the years, and what a better way to celebrate your favorite games than hanging out with like-minded people on a fun and active community? FactPile does just that, collecting all gamers and tech-lovers from around the globe to interact and enjoy the community. ...

February 12, 2010 · 9 min · 1735 words · Jake

Check Your Username Availability on Tons of Websites with Namechk

Many of us enjoy sticking with our usernames. We sign up with the same username on multiple websites, and this is especially true with social networking/bookmarking sites as it allows your name to become a presence in the community. Only thing is, there’s so many people online that the chances of our username being take is, well, pretty decent. ...

January 24, 2010 · 2 min · 305 words · Jake

New Digg-Themed Social News and Media Website Thuhm

Digg has become the popular site for internet marketers and bloggers to aspire to. Digg used to be a popular tech website, where tech enthusiasts and internet lovers could gather to share links. Whichever links got the most “diggs” would hit the front page, generally to recieve a surge of traffic. ...

January 8, 2010 · 3 min · 584 words · Jake