Social News Website for Financial Articles and Tips at Tip'd

You don’t find many great social news websites these days. You know, the kind that let you vote on stories and the most popular hit the front page? Digg and Reddit are still pretty good, and there are a few nice Pligg sites out there but overall not too many. ...

April 21, 2010 · 2 min · 273 words · Jake

Why Digg's New Ad System is Gaining Popularity

Digg has always been an extremely innovative company. Launching into the social news bit in 2004, the site has grown immensely popular with monthly pageviews in the tens of millions. Digg’s popularity has allowed for a counter-culture of internet users to become Diggers, voting on the best stories to hit the front page and sent traffic spikes to interesting and useful blogs. ...

March 3, 2010 · 2 min · 406 words · Jake

How StumbleUpon Advertising has Increased Traffic

Those who use StumbleUpon for both casual web surfing and internet marketing know how powerful the site is. It’s grown substantially over the last year or 2, increasing not only it’s userbase but also the amount of submitted articles and stumbled posts. ...

March 1, 2010 · 3 min · 489 words · Jake

The Newest Trending Social News Sharing Community Humsurfer

It’s difficult these days to track down the best social news sharing communities. There are the classics such as Digg and Reddit, and also smaller niche communities containing topics like design and programming. ...

March 1, 2010 · 3 min · 514 words · Jake

Digital Point Forums Re-Design for the New Year

Of all the internet marketing and blogging forums out there, Digital Point was the first community I ever joined. I’ve been there for years, learned so much from the members and even contributed to helping others along their path. There are many other choices, but DP will always hold a special place in my heart. After years of running the same design, DP has finally upgraded to a fresh web 2.0 look and feel to the entire site! Now running what is clearly the latest version of vBulletin 4.0 Forum Software, the latest design really kicks new life into such an expansive and helpful community. ...

February 28, 2010 · 2 min · 335 words · icarnaghan

The Inside Scoop on CoolROM' with Founder Edward Chang

Digging through the internet for your favorite ROM can be a frustrating process. Some sites can’t be trusted, others just throw you around in loops to find exactly what you’re looking for. I have recently gotten a short, sweet, and to the point interview with the founder of Edward Chang. In it, he discusses revenue streams from the site, traffic stats, and how he built and created a Emulation and ROM empire. ...

October 16, 2009 · 3 min · 511 words · Jake

Pro Blogger Daniel Scocco Shares his Internet Marketing Tips

There are millions, maybe even billions of different blogs on the internet, with new blogs being created every minute. Blogging is still a relatively new realm to the internet, and people are just started to discover it’s power-first hand. Daniel Scocco, the creator and main blogger on the site Daily Blog Tips runs a few very popular blogs on the web. Some could call him a professional blogger, an internet marketer, or even a social media guru. ...

July 23, 2009 · 4 min · 755 words · Jake

Interview with New Web 2.0 Web Conferencing Tool Fuze Meeting

We can all agree that connecting with each other is important. This is especially the case in the world of business, where communications can be as important as arranging a business meeting promptly at 9:30AM. I spoke with Patrick Moran of Fuze Meeting’s Marketing division, and got the inside scoop on the new web conferencing tool. ...

July 1, 2009 · 4 min · 788 words · Jake