Reddit Page /r/circlejerk Clones 4Chan's Website Design

After visiting Reddit today, it was pretty obvious my favorite SubReddit circlejerk was up to no good. After toying around all week with a funny upvote arrow which looked similar to male genitalia, we’ve not seen an invasion of 4chan into Reddit. ...

April 10, 2010 · 1 min · 211 words · Jake

Exclusive Interview with LogoMoose Creator Dirk Leys

So many inspirational sites have sprung up recently. The web is crawling with CSS galleries and logo galleries, but only a few really break the mold and stand out as the most creative, inspiring, and useful collections. LogoMoose makes it to the top of my list. ...

February 20, 2010 · 5 min · 941 words · Jake

Interview with Professional Freelance Web Designer Shay Howe

One of the fastest growing professions is website design and web developers, especially with the attraction of working freelance. Many people hate the 9-5 grind induced through corporate America, and having the option to work from home on your own time seems like a much more viable and interesting option to many. Although in the end it may require a bit more work on your end, the ultimate freedom of your time seems to pay for itself. ...

January 22, 2010 · 9 min · 1749 words · Jake

Getting Inside Creativity Den: New Inspiration Blog for Designers

Web designers have no shortage of inspiration these days. It seems as though there are new design and inspiration blogs popping up every hour, and there’s never a shortage of posts to go around. With new social media sites such as Design Moo and DesignBump, articles for graphic artists and web designers are able to spread like wildfire. It’s rare when you run across a unique and helpful blog, and this is the case with CreativityDen. ...

January 14, 2010 · 7 min · 1303 words · Jake

Interview with Chris Spooner of Line25 Web Design Blog

Let’s face it: web design is hot. With the internet’s popularity skyrocketing, younger and younger kids are getting into design and web projects, even freelancing! Not to say this is bad at all, it’s actually started a large spread of web design and development tips and inspiration, mostly posted onto blogs ...

January 12, 2010 · 7 min · 1470 words · Jake

Interview with PSDFan's Designer and Blogger Tom Ross

Finding good tutorials on web design and development can be tough these days. Although so many people have and use Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and all of the creative suite, there are very few that know how to utilize the tools properly and create astounding designs. ...

October 12, 2009 · 4 min · 714 words · Jake

Interview with CollegeHumor's Designer Anna Hiort

I’ve gotten my fair share of laughs from all of the hilarious content on the internet today. Photoshopped photos and amazing/retarded videos are spread like wildfire through forums and social networking sites. However, one of the best sites I’ve ever run across for generally hilarious content has to be Collegehumor. ...

October 9, 2009 · 5 min · 923 words · Jake

CrazyLeaf Design Blog - Inspiration and Resources for Web Designers

Web designers can spend hours looking for inspiration. We’ve all been there, up at 1 in the morning trying to work out a project you’ve got lined up but nothing seems to be hitting you. Whenever I’m at a design roadblock I usually turn to typical web design blogs to get the juices flowing again. ...

October 5, 2009 · 4 min · 728 words · Jake

Inside FudgeGraphics: Web Design Freebies and Tutorials

Let’s face it: we all love free stuff. As web designers, graphic designers, PHP programmers, or AJAX gurus we all love finding free code snippits or templates to work with. I have recently found a great new web design and development-focused blog Fudgegraphics which is full of all the freebies any web designer could want! ...

September 1, 2009 · 5 min · 962 words · Jake

Graphic Designer and Blogger Andrew Houle of MyInkBlog

Graphic and web designers, lend me your ears! We have another great graphic design blog to add to our list today, MyInkBlog. Featuring all sorts of free goodies to download, amazing tutorials, inspiring articles, and a whole lot more! MyInkBlog is one of the premiere graphic and web design blogs on the web, with over 3,000 Twitter followers and almost 4,000 RSS followers. ...

July 27, 2009 · 5 min · 878 words · Jake