Security of Information Systems Infrastructure of an International Airport
As information systems in airports continue to grow in both size and complexity, so too do the risks associated with security vulnerabilities and threats. Since the terrorist attacks on September 2001, airport security has substantially increased in day to day operations to address modern threats that the transportation infrastructure faces. Terrorist attacks however are only a portion of the security threats that an international airport faces. Advanced systems used in airports from customer ticketing and check-in, immigration and customs to air traffic control are all depended on daily to maintain operations involving vast numbers of customers travelling throughout the world. These systems must be secured from a number of threats. First and foremost, an international airport must be prepared for threats to its physical infrastructure including natural disasters as well as the danger of deliberate attacks. Risks involved with untrustworthy employees or consultants should be appropriately mitigated through necessary systems permissions and auditing. External threats of cyber attacks either through the airport’s website booking system or other vulnerable gaps within the information systems must be adequately addressed. Operations within an airport that are vital to human safety must take a high priority with regards to security investment. ...