Aptana acquired by Appcelerator

Aptana, the company behind the popular programming Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Aptana Studio, announced today that they have been acquired by Appcelerator. Aptana has been the choice for many web development professionals for quite some time. ...

January 19, 2011 · 2 min · 364 words · icarnaghan

New Joomla 1.6 Pushes Enterprise Level Features

The new version of the popular Joomla Content Management System (CMS) was released early last week and has already reached over 115k in downloads. 1.6 has been in the making for some time and earlier beta versions have been tested over the last few month. The first release candidate (RC1) was made available for download on December 14th, 2010. ...

January 18, 2011 · 2 min · 349 words · icarnaghan

MailBrowser - Simple Gmail Plugin for Managing your Contacts

For a long, long time have I been looking for a great Plugin for Gmail to help manage my contacts. I send a lot of e-mails to a lot of different people, and it’s difficult to sort through all of my mail and attachments without getting lost in the thousands upon thousands of messages. However with the new browser plug-in MailBrowser, it’s actually pretty simple. ...

April 24, 2010 · 1 min · 208 words · Jake

Google Releases Official Buzz Share Widget with Live Counter

Google has recently released the beginning of a small API working with Google Buzz. There have been plenty of issues with Google Buzz’s widget, and many other sites made their own to fill the gap. However with this newest release even Mashable has updated their Buzz widgets. ...

April 15, 2010 · 2 min · 255 words · Jake

Find Popular and Useful Websites Easily with TopSite

Ever find yourself wondering “how can I find the best blogs on the web, or the best social media apps for rating food or movies”? Well look no further, your web search engine is here! When your trust pal Google has failed you, I recommend giving TopSite a shot. It’s a social search engine which tracks down the top 10 most popular websites based on a keyword. ...

April 14, 2010 · 2 min · 303 words · Jake

Interview with Young Blogger and Founder of Blogussion Alex Fraiser

I’ve always been a huge fan of blogs, namely up and coming stars. Blogussion caught my eye a few months ago, and I’ve been following their articles ever since. Jam-packed with blogging and internet traffic-related SEO articles, Blogussion is one of the top blogging resources on the web today. ...

April 10, 2010 · 4 min · 838 words · Jake

Chill to your Music Library anywhere with Grooveshark

Ever since I found out about Grooveshark a few months ago, it’s revolutionized the way I listen to music. No longer am I stuck with my iTunes playlists and limitions on songs - nor do I even need to store the songs on my computer! ...

February 9, 2010 · 3 min · 573 words · Jake

Interview with Yahoo! Answers Q&A Competitor Blurtit

Yahoo! Answers has to be the most well-known and popular Question & Community on the web. However there is always room for improvement on apps like these, and Blurtit takes the cake. Building more of a community around the idea of the “Ask Any Question” niche, Blurtit allows users to connect like never before, searching for the most popular questions and sharing knowledge between everyone. ...

February 4, 2010 · 5 min · 942 words · Jake

Check Your Username Availability on Tons of Websites with Namechk

Many of us enjoy sticking with our usernames. We sign up with the same username on multiple websites, and this is especially true with social networking/bookmarking sites as it allows your name to become a presence in the community. Only thing is, there’s so many people online that the chances of our username being take is, well, pretty decent. ...

January 24, 2010 · 2 min · 305 words · Jake

Plurk Rivals Twitter as the Next Popular Microblogging Platform

Twitter - you either love it or hate it. The application has exploded onto the web, where not only everybody seems to need one, but even larger corporations have set up Twitter accounts. Tweeting is the next big thing! tons of people are getting into this new trend, while naysayers stand behind and wave their fingers in disgust. ...

January 17, 2010 · 4 min · 665 words · Jake