Adsense program accepts websites that have quality content or very high organic search traffic. If your site doesn’t have any of these 2, instead of wasting your time in applying for Adsense account, use any of the below techniques to monetize your site.

I’ve not recommended ad networks like Infolinks, Chitika, Vigilink, as they pay you just one or 2 pennies for traffic from non-English speaking countries. These advertising networks demotivate bloggers due to their low payouts. Hence many bloggers quit their online careers within 5 or 6 months.

Best ways to make money without Adsense

Direct advertisements

If your website traffic is above 300000 PV/month, I would recommend you to apply for BuySell Ads. Like Google, BSA has strict requirements. It will never accept a low traffic website. When your site has been approved for the BSA platform, you’ll have to set a CPM price that you’re willing to accept.

If the advertiser finds your site useful, he’ll request you to add a display advertisement on your blog. Blogads is a good alternative to buy and sell ads. A website with little traffic should have an ad page with relevant details like traffic stats, page rank, Domain authority, Moz rank, etc.

You should also add the minimum amount you’re willing to accept for an advertisement. Little traffic websites can quickly earn 50 to 100 dollars every month using this strategy.

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CPI programs

Flipkart has launched a CPI program for the Indian bloggers and webmasters. When you promote the eCommerce giant’s app on your site and if a legitimate user installs it, Flipkart will pay you Rs 25, 30 or 60. There are many such programs on the internet.

Instead of searching for it, you should signup with a CPI network like nativeX, Leadbolt, LeadHug, etc. These networks have a huge inventory of apps.

ways to make money without adsense

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is not a child’s play. You need to be careful and active to earn money successfully with this technique. If you have a blog on WordPress, SEO niche, promote hosting, SEO tools, themes.

If you have a tech blog, signup for amazon associates or affiliate program of any top eCommerce portal in your region and promote laptops, phones, mobile accessories, etc. For every affiliate sale, you’ll receive 1 to 100% commission.

To keep your website safe from Google penalty, make sure that all affiliate links on your blog are nofollow.

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Accept a sponsored post only if the seller allows you to use nofollow attribute for their links Selling dofollow links, i.e. text links is a crime in the eyes of Google. If you sell them, your blog will be penalized in the next Google Penguin update.

In my perspective, this is the riskiest way to earn money online. You should better avoid it if you’re blogging to make your living. Sponsored posts are offered only to bloggers whose website have been awarded a page rank by Google.

The last page rank update was in December 2014. Many bloggers believe that Google has killed the PR system. Thus it may not update the page rank of websites anymore. Webmasters who have started blogging after Dec 2014 should use the above three programs to monetize their sites.

Image source: Pixabay